Saturday, August 24, 2013

Lots of progress.

Lots of progress in the DtE world. Lots of busy progress. Little Star is moving around now and always on the go. So is mommy right behind her. I have managed to get quite a lot done on my giant giant granny. I have finished all the color changes. At the last row of navy I tested the size and the afghan just covers the top of my bed. I wanted some over hang so I have estimated about 20 rounds of white granny clusters to the end. I've done 5 so far. 

My final three colors came in for my KnitKnackKnockoff blanket I was asked to make. Can't stop thinking about what I am going to do with the left overs. (That's always my favorite part)

Today I got a lot of work done on a gift I am making for a friend who is expecting.  She sent me a picture of the material of the sheets she had ordered off of Etsy. And I have taken off on this project with one idea after another. I really can't wait to share it with you. But I won't for now. I'm afraid she'll somehow find this blog and see and give away my surprise. So once I give it to her I'm going to create a huge page devoted to it. It's truly epic. I am actually working on the last touch right now. I will paint you a picture of what's going on over here; beautiful weather, windows all open. The neighbors are having a backyard concert of sorts (free live music) there was a folksy rock act followed by a harder rock/metal band called GI9. There's a piƱa colada sweating in my hand and a sewing project sitting in my lap under the iPad. Ah, heaven. Every summer should be like this. Good weather, good music, and crochet. Drinks are optional.

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